Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Weird dreams

Last night's roundup:

Weird dream No. 1: Gas was $6.25 a gallon!

Weird dream No. 2: I was in some sort of military outfit comprised of all or mostly women. I was in a boot camp-like setting and getting my uniform. Here's the weird part--the uniform was tightish khaki pants, high heeled cowboy boots and a bomber jacket. But no shirt. (The Mr. really liked that dream!)

Weird dream No. 3: I was lost. I had the baby with me. At least I think it was the baby; at some points it might have been No. 2. We were walking, walking, walking. I think we had been waiting for a car repair. I didn't have a cell phone, purse, diaper bag or anything. "Suddenly" I saw the name of a street near where I grew up. I walked down that street and then came to what I think was the downtown area from my hometown. I begged someone for quarters to use a pay phone and I think the number I called was my own cell phone number. Then I realized that I couldn't use quarters in the pay phone, I had to use a token. So I put the quarter in the phone and a token came out of the change return slot. And then I put the token in the phone and it worked. I think I talked to my dad. So someone was going to come pick me up, and when I hung up there was a Mardi Gras type atmosphere and it was late, late at night. I lost track of the dream at that point.


At 5:32 PM, Blogger caramaena said...

What a strange couple of dreams! I rarely remember mine.


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