Quotes that rule me lately
From Forrest Gump:
"Mama, what's my destiny?"
From Scrubs:
"Sometimes the best way to lose something is to want it too bad."
Exploration into a work in progress.
From Forrest Gump:
I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve posted, but it’s simply a reflection of how ridiculously busy I’ve been at work and home. So here are a few of my thoughts over the past (eek!) two weeks.
After Hurricane Katrina blew over the Gulf, I started asking myself this question: If I had, say, 10 minutes to leave my house and take with me whatever I wanted, what would I take with me? What are my most prized possessions? This, of course, ensuring that my family was already safe.
My A1C was checked yesterday for the first time in a year. Last year at this time it was 7 and yesterday it was 5.9! I'm so psyched. I have a feeling that it was even lower during my pregnancy, but I can get back there.
I meet with my first-ever endocrinologist today. I'm excited, actually. I'm not entirely sure why, though. I think it has something to do with the fact that I was in such tight control and accountable to so many people during my pregnancy and now I'm only accountable to myself really. So I think that's one reason I'm excited to see him. I gathered every last blood sugar reading I ever recorded to bring with me. I know he's not really going to care less what my post-breakfast reading was on October 4, 2005, but I'm bringing the records anyway. Partly because I'm proud I still have them, partly because I'm proud of how far I've come. Looking back, in the beginning I had some pretty high fastings (248, 212, 152) and some pretty high post-meal readings (269, 224, 230). Throughout my pregnancy, though, I was 98% in range. I was always, always under 90 fasting and most of the time under 120 post-meals. Often, under 100 post-meals.
And you'll notice that my blog has changed. This is the third time, yes, third time, that I've changed the outward appearance of my blog. I guess I get bored easily.
Somehow, of course, diabetes always seems to come up. I'm not afraid to talk about it or to tell people I've got it. Because I do have it, it hasn't got me. Anyway, so naturally, somehow, the baby's sitter and I discussed my diabetes and she revealed that she is pre-diabetic. We talk about it every now and then.